Eastern Bay Region farewells Jacqui Hughes ONZM, a true community champion

05th Sep 2022

Jacqui has been dedicated to our people, culture and environment in a very real hands on and tangible way.

She has been an early leader in education, fostering play-centres through out the region, and was the founding Chief Executive of REAP ; a founding member of the Whakatane Community Arts Council in the early 1980's and set up the first Arts Festival, with the seeding of an art award, now known as the Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award. Jacqui was passionate about art and making art in all forms accessible to all.

Jacqui was an elected member of Environment BOP -The Bay of Plenty Regional Council, representing our region for 3 terms and served as the appointed representative on the Ports of Tauranga.

Not afraid to roll up her sleeves, Jacqui was instrumental in leading the Waiewe Reserve Restoration Group, has been an active contributor to The Nukuhou Saltmarsh & Apanui Saltmarsh Guardians, along with the Whakatane Harbour Care Group, a past trustee for the Whakatane Kiwi Trust, and has just retired after 8 years as a trustee of our Community Foundation.

Over many years Jacqui has put her hand up to support school and community committees and has committed to mentoring young professionals. Jacqui had also been appointed to Government advisory groups through MSD, again demonstrating her unwavering commitment to making things better- whether for a child to learn more easily, or to appreciate the place that art has in our lives or to truly care for our natural environment. Her dedication is beyond commendable.

The family have set up the Jacqui Hughes ONZM Memorial Fund to honour Jacqui's commitment to our community, with a focus on environmentally sustainable projects, the arts and education. Donations can be made via internet banking to-

Kiwibank 38-9016-0292432-00

Particulars: Jacquis Fund

Code: 33/22 

Reference: Your name 

Please email:  support@easternbaycommunityfoundation.nz for a tax receipt. All donations over $5 are tax deductible and attract a 33.3% rebate.