Sustainable Devlopment Goals

Adopting Sustainable Development Goals -

24th Mar 2024

Sometimes when world events seem 'bigger than Ben Hur' ...we feel powerless to make changes. However by adopting the UN Sustainable Development Goals we are aligning to a set of principles as a guiding light to how we work with donors, how we make decisions on grant funding and how we provide leadership in this space in our region. 

Ending poverty goes hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality and make space for economic growth- all the while tackling the REALLY BIG ISSUES of Climate Change - working to preserving our oceans and our forests. 

Decades of work and global research has gone into these principles- and now at a local level we can also use these as our guide, right here in the place we call home. 

If you follow our progress, you will see changes in how we report the funds we receive and the grants we make into our communities. Each will show an alliance to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

You can help us to achieve these goals by considering the planet you want to leave behind for our childrens children.