Sustainable Support for seniors in our community

Eastern Bay Villages -Te Kokoru Manaakitanga

11th Jun 2020

In the words of EBV Co-Chair Amohaere Tangitu, Eastern Bay Villages is not a social service, but an organisation that brings people together to share time, skills and resources, to keep seniors and pakeke connected and strong. With a growing membership, Eastern Bay Villages members not only support one another, but also seniors and pakeke referred by health and social services.

Amohaere's co-chair, David Poole says they are proud of what they have done with minimal funding, which is mainly used to cover the cost of co-ordinators. As membership grows, so too does their workload, organising events and bringing people together for mutual benefit. Sustainable funding would mean an even greater range of services and becoming more effective in the senior space. 

Now on a solid footing, and here for the long term, Eastern Bay Villages board members joined with the Eastern Bay Community Foundation to establish an endowment fund, in order to become sustainable and grow their own funding, so as to be not so reliant on small grants from philanthropic funders. 

Amohaere Tangitu says that it is in everyones interests to see the organisation gain in strength. Most people know someone who becomes isolated or vulnerable as they get older. "If we can build this fund you can be sure that we will be there for you and your family as you age."