Making an impactful difference in our communities- The Marnie Anstis Story

09th May 2023

The atmosphere at Opotiki Primary School, on Friday May 5th, was one of curious excitement as almost 60 primary educators from all corners of the Eastern Bay gathered to learn some new tips and tools to accelerate pupil engagement in reading and writing. After a very disruptive three years, learning basic skills has been severely impacted within the classroom.

Thanks to a collaboration between the Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) and the Marnie Anstis Endowment Fund, held by the Eastern Bay Community Foundation, two facilitators from ‘The Literacy Place’, were funded to share their time, talents, and skills.  Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey, both highly experienced teachers and authors of helpful resource books related to reading, writing and oral language facilitated the day long programme, encouraging those present to explore ways of teaching writing, and to unpack a model for integrating reading and writing skills through poetry. It was a great opportunity for the teachers to develop and review the components of a balanced and engaging writing programme at emergent, early and fluent levels. The participants were also introduced to a range of mini-lesson ideas and generic ‘Quick Write’ activities that could be used for different writing purposes across a range of levels.

Feedback from participants has been incredibly positive and has further endorsed the commitment local children’s author and philanthropist, Marnie has made to foster every opportunity possible to ensure both adults and children can find joy in reading and understanding the written word. Keeping the learning local and accessible meant a full contingent of educators were able to attend.

The Eastern Bay Community Foundation is committed to growing community impact through bold, transformational, sustainable, and meaningful change, thanks to the generosity of our amazing donors, like Marnie Anstis.

Eastern Bay educators engaged in the literacy workshop at Opotiki Primary School