Trina Hayes Trustee

Trina Hayes

Trina, was welcomed to the Board at the Annual Meeting of the Foundation in August 2023, for a four year term.

Trina is a descendant of Whakatohea, Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngati Awa and Nga Puhi. She was born and raised in Opotiki and has for the last thirty years raised her own family in Kawerau.

Trina's heart lies with assisting her people, particularly in improving health and educational outcomes. To this end, Trina applies her vast knowledge of financial management , accounting and audit processes to assist those working within Te Ao Maori, focused towards Maori Trusts, Kohanga Reo, Kura, Marae and Charitable Entities. 

Trina is a passionate sideline supporter of her children and grandchildren in their sporting endeavours, and values her connections with whanau and extended whanau. 

Trina contracts her skills to Ake Accounting and Cookson Forbes, and chooses to work remotely from her home in Kawerau. She is excited by the journey ahead with our Community Foundation and we know, her wide experience and knowledge will contribute immense value to the decisons made and outcomes of the Eastern Bay Community Foundation. 


Contact Trina Hayes

