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News from the Eastern Bay Community Foundation

Our Foundation salutes the generosity of those who have given their aroha, their time, their specialist skills and resources to aid in the recovery of not only victims and families, but also in rebuilding our community in the aftermath of the volcanic eruption on December 9th, 2019.
While 2020 has proved to be a challenging time for so many, the Eastern Bay Community Foundation has been able to distribute grants from endowment funds for the first time this year, and the organisation's receiving funds are excited about how these can be applied.
Kawerau Coffin Club leaves a permanent legacy
Giving back to the community they love, has always been the objective of the Coffin Club in Kawerau. Profits made from their handcrafted 'underground furniture' have been used to support many good causes in the district. Now a legacy endowment fund has been created with the remaining funds as the club closes its doors.
