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News from the Eastern Bay Community Foundation

The Tindall Foundation supports small community initiatives through to large scale systemic responses, including a wide range of outcomes for social and environmental change. The Tindall Foundation works to build capacity and to bring communities together, often acting as an advocate to raise greater awareness of an issue or project. The annual accountability round table meeting with representatives of Eastern Bay organisation's that were granted funds by the Tindall Foundation in 2020 was held in Whakatane on April 12th. It was eye opening to listen to how much was achieved in such a unique and disruptive year.
It was 'old boys' rules when the Parliamentary Rugby Team took on an invitational team of rugby players under the Zespri umbrella. Despite a great effort, by growers, marketers and all manner of men associated with the kiwifruit industry, the Parliamentarians won the match, however the families and the first responders won the day.
If you are part of a charitable group considering winding up your resources, we can help. Our Community Foundation is the right place for any excess charitable funds to be held, to enable the work previously carried out by your charity to continue on, within the community. If your group is contemplating this move, then get in touch, our Trustees and Executive Officer can talk you through the process.
Making a commitment to help others, brings it's own rewards. Promoting generosity in our community also brings a sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves. The Governments tax rebate scheme for charitable donations means that our giving is recognised, and appreciated.
Changing the lives of women and children at grass roots level, instead of spending on Christmas corporate gifts, Craig's Investment Partners have truly made a difference in our community. Their gift has prompted a local woman to reflect on how the Whanau Awhina Womens Refuge has helped her make some really good decisions for herself and her family.
